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Ceremonial Grade - 1st and 2nd Harvest

Bio - Matcha te traditionel 50 g

52,88€  pr.  100g
Inklusive skat. Levering beregnes ved betaling.



    Ingredienser: 100 % organisk matcha

    Kultivar: Oshii -blanding bestående af Seamidori, Okumidori og Yabukita

    Den jordgrønne traditionelle te med ceremoniel grad dyrkes i Japan i UJI. Det kommer fra årets 1. og 2. høst og er lidt mere intens i smag end vores premium matcha.  Regionen er kendt for sit rene vand og næringsstof -Rig jord, fri for pesticider. Bladene på Tencha -te plukkes her, dampes forsigtigt og males derefter med granitsten.

    Vores bio -certificerede matcha imponerer med sin næsten neongrønne farve, dens intense, cremede umami -smag - fri for enhver bitterhed!

     Bemærk: Opbevar venligst køligt og tørt!


    What is Matcha?

    Hvad er Matcha?

    Matcha er jordgrøn te i sin reneste form, men indeholder mere sekundære plantestoffer (farve, duft og aroma -stoffer) og er derfor bedre end den konventionelle grønne te.
    Det, der karakteriserer matcha -pulver, er en høj andel af sunde antioxidanter, der understøtter immunsystemet og modvirker aldringsprocessen. Fordi i modsætning til grøn te, hvor tebladene kun trækker det varme vand, kan du drikke de malede teblade helt ved Matcha. Smagen er desto mere intens. 

    Quality guarantee

    For vores organiske matcha traditionelt med Ceremonial Grade Blade fra den første og den anden høst bruges i foråret. Disse er milde og alligevel intense i smag og adskiller sig kvalitativt (smag og farve) fra alle efterfølgende høst, der følger i de længere måneder af året.
    En anden forskel i kvalitet er at høste og forarbejdes for hånd.
    Næppe nogen maskiner bruges i høsten af ​​vores matcha. De første blade plukkes for hånd, dampes forsigtigt og males med granitsten. 

    Udvidelsen finder sted uden pesticider. Årlige jordprøver såvel som laboratorieundersøgelser vedrørende tungmetal- og strålingseksponering udføres for at kunne levere den bedst mulige kvalitet. Derudover kontrolleres hver batch omhyggeligt for sin mineralegenskab. 

    Vores kvalitet bekræftes af strenge standarder for øko-certifikatet af det japanske certificeringsorgan Jona og den tyske organiske certificering. 


    Vores emballage: 

    Bæredygtighed er vigtig for os.

    Vores emballage er lavet af genanvendeligt materiale i Europa.



    From 50 € order value free of shipping within Germany. The delivery time is throughout Germany: 2-4 working days after the order input and across Europe: 3-7 working days.

    In the event of shipping or within the EU, international shipping costs are incurred.

    Right of cancellation: You have the right to revoke your purchase within fourteen days (from the date of purchase) without giving reasons. 

    In order to exercise your right of cancellation, you have to do the goods to us:

    Health Bar Max-Beer-Straße 31 10119 Berlin

    Send in the original packaging and sufficiently secured.

    Consequences of the revocation If you revoke this contract, we will transfer all the payments that we received from you, exclusive of delivery costs. The payment takes place at the latest within seven days from the day we received your return. For this repayment we use the same means of payment that you used in the original transaction. We can refuse the repayment until we have returned the goods or until you have provided the proof that you have sent the goods back.

    You bear the immediate costs of returning the goods.

    You only have to pay for any loss of value of the goods if this loss of value is due to the quality, properties and functionality of the goods not necessary to deal with them. 

    Exception of the return conditions Matcha Kits, which have damaged packaging, we can only withdraw against a compensation fee of EUR 5. If it is a damaged packaging regarding perishable food, these products are completely excluded from the return.

    In general, goods that arrive damaged and have not been properly packed are excluded from the exchange!

    Bio - Matcha te traditionel 50 g
    Bio - Matcha te traditionel 50 g

    Matcha - prepare delicious


    1. 1 malet tl Matcha (2 chasaku bambus ske) i en Matcha-Chale (Chawan).
    2. Tilsæt lidt vand (ca. 30 ml) og ved hjælp af en Matcha-Stens (jagt) omrøring (Z-formede bevægelser).
    3. Fyld matchaen med den skummede mælk og nyd.
    • Organic Certified

      Health Bar Matcha is one of the few on the market with organic certification.

    • Vegan

      It is part of our philosophy to avoid animal products

    • Gluten-free

      Matcha is also safe for those with gluten intolerance

    • Sustainable

      The environment is important to us, so our matcha packaging is recyclable!

    The traditional Matcha is a little more intense in taste than the Ceremonial Matcha. In fact, I love both of them very much, but still prefer the ceremonial Matcha

    Stefanie Giesinger

    In summer I like to drink Iced Matcha latte with our traditional Matcha and a dash of rice coconut milk. On colder days it must be our ceremonial Matcha- pure with warm water without further additives! 

    Nancy Tabilion

    One of my favorite Matcha Brands I’ve Tried! It’s very smooth, has a good flavor, and is an overall Good Matcha for a Reasonable Price. I wants to def buy it again!

    Thuha Nguyen

    Benefits - Matcha as a all -rounder

    Det fine pulver er rig på antioxidanter, der ikke kun understøtter immunsystemet, men også bremser aldringsprocessen.

    Mere energi, bedre koncentration. Matcha indeholder mere koffein end kaffe. Den store forskel: Matcha passer forsigtigt dens virkning. Mens koffeinet kommer ind i blodbanen inden for 30-45 i kaffe, varer denne proces 6 til 8 timer i matchaen, hvilket er en stor fordel. Dette forhindrer høje adrenalin- og insulinspor, som kun unødigt sætter kroppen under stress. Den høje mængde L-theanin og andre næringsstoffer påvirker også immunsystemet positivt.

    • production

      Our tea arm is a traditional company that has been in the family business for several generations and has been producing organic matcha for several decades.

      Our quality is confirmed by strict standards of the eco-certificate of the Japanese certification body Jona and the German organic certification. 

    • Cultivation

      The tea builders protect the plants with black textile trays or traditionally with straw from the sun. Solar panels are also used. This increases the proportion of chlorophyll in the leaves and makes the taste softer. The extension takes place without pesticides. Annual soil samples, as well as laboratory tests regarding the heavy metal and radiation exposure, are carried out in order to be able to deliver the best possible quality. In addition, each batch is carefully checked for its mineral property. 

    • Origin

      The cultivation area for the Matcha tea is one of the best and at the same time oldest tea growing areas in Japan: the Uji region, west of Osaka. The region is known for its clean water and nutrient -rich soil, free of pesticides. The right climate can be found on site: the fog from the rivers Uji and Kizu keeps the tea plants moist and reduces the risk of frost damage.