Green-Goddess Matcha Dressing

Give your salad a fresh kick with this Green-Goddess Matcha dressing! 🌿🍵 The creamy blend of tahini and olive oil is enhanced by aromatic herbs and a hint of garlic. The heaping spoon of Health Bar Matcha not only adds a vibrant color but also brings healthy antioxidants into play. Ideal for anyone looking to jazz up their salads while enjoying a boost of nutrients! 🥗✨
Green-Goddess Matcha Dressing


• Huile d'olive de 40 ml
• 60 ml de tafini
• 2 cuillères à soupe de vinaigre de cidre de pomme
• 1-2 gousses d'ail
• 1 TL Health Bar Matcha (fréquemment)
• 1 moutarde TL
• 2 TL du sirop d'érable
• 30g d'herbes (basilic, persil, ...)
• Eau (selon la consistance souhaitée)
• sel et poivre (comme vous le souhaitez)


Blend all ingredients in a mixer. Add water to achieve the desired consistency and finally season with salt and pepper.