Matcha ice cream

Experience the refreshing pleasure of our Matcha ice cream – a heavenly treat for hot days! This creamy ice cream is made from rich coconut cream, sweet maple syrup, and a hint of lemon juice, making it not only wonderfully creamy but also refreshingly light. With high-quality Health Bar Matcha, the ice cream gets a vibrant green color and a unique flavor. "After freezing, you can dip the ice creations in melted matcha chocolate and garnish with chopped almonds or other nuts. Simply irresistible and perfect for treating yourself on a warm day! 🍵🍦✨"
Matcha Eis

Ingredients for 4 servings

• 1 Dose Kokosmilch ( über Nacht in den Kühlschrank gestellt die Kokoscreme abnehmen und die Flüssigkeit für einen Smoothie verwenden )
• 2 -3 EL Ahornsirup
• 1 leicht gehäuften EL Matchapulver
• 1 Spritzer Zitronensaft
Topping :

• 1 Tafel Health Bar Matcha Schokolade , geschmolzen
• gehackte Mandeln


Coconut cream, maple syrup, Matcha, and lemon juice blend until creamy in a mixer! Pour into a silicone mold and let harden in the freezer. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate in a water bath. Coat the ice on one or both sides with the chocolate and top with chopped almonds or other nuts. Let harden again in the freezer!