Green Goddess Matcha dressing

Give your salad a fresh kick with this Green Goddess Matcha dressing! 🌿🍵 The creamy mixture of tahini and olive oil is refined by aromatic herbs and a hint of garlic. The heaped spoon Health Bar Matcha not only brings a bright color, but also healthy antioxidants. Ideal for everyone who wants to spice up their salads and at the same time enjoy a boost on nutrients! 🥗✨
Green-Goddess Matcha Dressing


• 40ml Olivenöl
• 60ml Tahini
• 2 EL Apfelessig
• 1-2 Knoblauchzehen
• 1 TL Health Bar Matcha (gehäuft)
• 1 TL Senf
• 2 TL Ahornsirup
• 30g Kräuter (Basilikum, Petersilie,…)
• Wasser (je nach gewünschter Konsistenz)
• Salz und Pfeffer (nach Belieben)


Puree all ingredients in a mixer. Add the water depending on the desired consistency and finally season with salt and pepper.